Craft Alliance is located at 6640 Delmar Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63130; 314-725-1177 Photo credit here |
The class began with a look at last week’s projects. They
looked amazing! We got a brief math lesson on how many
amps we needed to course through the rectifier based on how much space our
items took up in the bath. The instructor then placed each one carefully in the
electrolyte bath, hooked up the necessary wires and anodes, and turned on the
machine. My baby bottle and stork decided to float rather than immerse
themselves in the bath, but Jen assured me that once the process started, they
would start to fall into the bath.
Insects were a popular theme. |
This week, our task was to use something porous, which is a
bit more difficult to work with. My creative classmates brought in everything
from bones to pasta to dried flowers. I was delighted that my miniature calla lilies
were perfect for electroforming, and one classmate had a brilliant idea: why
not make a hairpin out of it? I plucked one of the million bobby pins hidden in
my hair, attached it to the bouquet, and got to work. We first coated every
nook and cranny of our piece with a protective sealant. Once that dried, we put
on 2 coats of the copper paint. As you can see, my calla lilies looked pretty
frickin’ cool:
How did it turn out after being electroformed? Stay tuned. .
.I’ve got one recap left, and I’ll be live
tweeting during the final class.
Oh, and in case you're wondering about my rumbling belly, the goldfish didn't cut it. I made a pit stop at White Castle on the way home. I got a veggie burger, so cut me some slack. (It was strange, but decent.) Baby #2 won't get any more White Castle again for several years. Right? We'll go with that. I mean, Pizza Hut is so much healthier anyway.
St. Louis friends, do you want to take a jewelry-making or
some other incredibly crafty course? Check out the Craft Alliance web site and stay in the loop by following them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
P.S. Thanks, ALIVE Influencer Network and Craft Alliance for
helping me realize my jewelry-designer dreams!
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