The Ruby Zipper Shoetique

OK, you're either going to thank me or be less-than-thrilled with me (temporarily), because I'm about to introduce you to an amazing, fun, and utterly time-sucking online activity (as if any of us need another one of those!): designing your own shoes. I recently joined the marketing team at a shoe company, which inspired me to think about which shoes I would design and sell. Visions of funky, fresh kicks with zany prints strutted through my head, but my paper scribbles did them no justice. I did some internet searches for "free shoe design apps" and after a few software sites that were most definitely not free, I stumbled across Shoes Of Prey.

Wow/uh-oh. The sight lets you design your own shoes and actually have them produced! Once I began selecting colors, fabrics, styles, and heels, it was hard to stop. Practically each element of the shoe is customizeable (down to the piping/no piping option), which means you can really let your creativity soar. You will also gain a new respect for the tremendous amount of detail that goes into designing a beautiful shoe. About 2-gulp, 4-hours and a ridiculous amount of edits later, here is my first mini-collection:
Which of these shoes would you "heart"?
I've been looking for wedged oxfords with bright colors like pink and yellow, but can't find them. Oh, that's right-I just designed them! LOL
The bow on the back of these pumps is everything.
The writing is on the wall - and the shoes.
The T-Strap. The bow. The tassel!
Want polka dots, sparkles and a patriotic shoe? Done.
Black sparkles mixed with white leather. Oh, yeah.
The ultimate disco wedge.
What do you think? My ideal heel height is 3-4 inches for stilettos/platforms and 4-5 inches for wedges. (For reference, measure the heights of the shoes you currently wear - I was shocked that one of my favorite pairs of shoes adds 5 inches to my height - who knew?) What do your perfect shoes look like? Shoes of Prey turns those so-simple-you-can't-find-them black pumps or those crazy, striped wedges into a reality for your feet. Or, which is arguably even more cool, it lets you start your imaginary shoe company.

You're welcome.


  1. I love them all! I love the bold, bright colors, and what gal doesn't love glitter?!

    1. Thanks so much, Adrain! Yes, the more glitter, the better.

  2. Oh my lord, if these weren't so much more than any shoe I own, I would jump on this in a minute. I just designed my perfect ruby sparkle heel. If only I had a spare $200 to throw at some shoes. What a cool site!

    1. Yes, the shoes are definitely not cheap, but it's fun to play around! A ruby sparkle heel sounds divine. Thanks so much for your comment!
